OK, so the parishioners and church staff that we have served across New England for over sixty years might debate us on that claim. Church restoration is our passion. We are so very much blessed to employ our talents in the interest of religious art conservation. It is conserving the magnificent bit of history, architecture, and art. Though it is a meticulous job, doing it with a passion to preserve its original work for the future generation is a challenge we relish. We provide a wide variety of church restoration services. Today, let’s focus on church pew restoration services.
When you visit that page, you’ll learn about a few of the projects that we’ve done over the years. You’ll learn how new solid oak pews were installed at Sacred Heart in Norwhcitown, Ct. We teamed with Ratigan Schottler Pew company as one part of the overall restoration of the church. Other work included new custom statuary, church painting, exterior door refinishing.
While out on our church pew restoration page, you’ll learn about the work we did at St. Louis Historic Church in Fort Kent, ME. Solid oak pews & wood kneelers were installed to replace damaged pew from the great spring flood in 2009.
Our website is designed simply to give you a peek into the variety and quality of our services. One of the true joys of owning this business is to sit down with you and demonstrate the countless church restoration services we’ve accomplished over the past 60 years. So, contact us here at Egan's Quality Church Preservation. We’re here to serve.